Proudly Serving North Georgia Since 1992!

Humidity Control for Walk-In Coolers

Customer Testimonials

Health Care
Food Service

Click on the customer's name to view their testimonial letter.


Arthur's Restaurant
Cheescake Factory
Brookstone Steak & Grill
Four Oaks Restaurant
Homestead Seafood and Prime Ribs
Lefty's Eatery

Health Care

MetWest - Clinical Laboratory

MetWest in Tarzana, CA (now part of Quest Diagnostics) is just one of many medical laboratories using the "Sorbite" humidity control system.


HemaCare collects, processes and distributes human blood products to hospitals and research-related organizations. See what they said about our humidity control system.

Encino Hospital

It took several months for the clinical laboratory director at Encino Hospital to take advantage of our two week trial. Now they know the value of the "Sorbite" humidity control system.

Esther Swerdloff, M.D. Medical Corporation

Dr. Swerdloff easily saved enough money in one month to pay for two years of service. She is retired now, but contiunes to use the Humecon "home" panels in her refrigerater.

Timber Ridge Conference Center
Metropolitan Hospital

Although this hospital no longer exits, the comments by the Food Service Director are worth a look.

Newton General Hospital

Located east of Atlanta in Covington, Georgia, Newton General Hospital started with Humecon in 1993.

Princes Cruise Line

Food Service

Brandeis-Bardin Institute


Aries Prepared Beef Company
Bright Meat Comany


Mandalay Florist